Sacramento Area Miata Owners Association

SAMOA members:

This is an update to my last Christmas Party email.

Christmas Party - 6pm WEDNESDAY, December 8, 2021, at the California Automobile Museum.  See earlier emails for details.

PLEASE BRING A NEW UNWRAPPED CHRISTMAS TOY FOR SHRINER'S/TOYS FOR TOTS.  We are collecting toys for kids this year, rather than our usual gift exchange. 

However, I will raffle off a 30 year Miata commemorative book, signed by Tom Matano, and other items.

If you have some extra Miata swag you would like to raffle off, please bring it.  Also, Diana Loo is preparing a slide show - please send your pictures to her for the show.

Please RSVP to me at if you would like to attend.  No charge.

41 people have signed up to date (thank you).

Martin Boersma

President - SAMOA

November 9